Thursday, May 04, 2006

Good Morning!

Well, this morning I experienced a new kind of insomnia, one that is rarer for me. This is the kind that, rather than prohibiting one from falling asleep, compels them to wake up. As a result, I’ve been up since 4:30 ish. I had a lovely morning beginning inside with a fire in the fireplace to the sounds of Nickel Creek, which eventually lead me to outside on the swing, watching the sunrise and reading T.S. Eliot’s “Four Quartets”. Yes, poor me. :~)

I find poetry to be so illuminating; “the inner freedom from the practical desire”. It’s refreshing to take a few moments of the day to look through enchanted eyes, at the world we live in, only in which we fail to truly live.

I keep pondering the present; in it I find so much liberty, purpose, and just peace of being and yet it seems to be the one “place” of which my memory fades the quickest. Why do I wait for life to begin? Is it because my life began before my “consciousness” so to say? Am I awaiting the birth of my mind because in some way I wasn’t cognitive to experience it? I suppose, like Dante, we all wake to find ourselves in a dark wood, not knowing how we entered.

I long to dwell in the realm of the present moment; stillness without fixity, motion without movement, that place where the “dance” is. But, it seems that the best I can hope for is a reoccurring but temporary illumination.
I must conclude, then, that “human kind cannot bear very much reality”, and be grateful for the mere moments in which I see “the moment”.

“Yet the enchainment of past and future
Woven in the weakness of the changing body,
Protects mankind from heaven and damnation
Which flesh cannot endure.”

-T.S. Eliot


Dalynn said...

Great Job!!
Sounds like you enjoyed a very peaceful morning!!

Nick said...

You are just one of those people who don't need sleep!! I sometimes wish I had the same problem....I bet my homework would get done on time!! :~P or not!!

GO T.S.!!!

Camlost said...

One of those people who don't need sleep eh? I didn't realize I had a "people"! Actually, I can only go a few days without much sleep and then I need to catch up. The problem is that once I catch up and sleep in till 9, I get a little too far ahead or something and I have to start over with not sleeping again. All in all, it doesn't exactly make me productive. :~)