This picture is taken in the meadow of Christ Church in Oxford.

For me, this was one of the most memorable views of Stradford-Upon-Avon. After seeing Romeo and Juliet at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, we took a walk down by the peaceful river Avon; definitely a highlight of the trip!

We stumbled upon this spot in Edinburgh, Scotland. I was truly captivated by its natural blue-fairy-glow!

More of Scotland...

This is a picture taken from the balcony of the farmhouse where we stayed in the Cotswolds.
what happen to eveyone????????????
I need something to read!!!!
Des- ok, thanks for reminding me; sounds like a plan!
Dalynn- I was waiting for you to post something! :-p Actually, vacation's made me crazy busy but I'm hoping to get back on track! :~)
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