These are some excerpts from a book my mommy is reading by Mark R. McMinn; I’d never heard of the guy before, but some of this stuff rings all too true and seems to me to really hit some things on the head. I heard a similar analysis by Jerry Root when he said that reason is the weakest element of the soul; that when we sin, it is our reason that attempts to justify our actions. Remarks anyone???
"One way to combat our presumptuous thinking is to actively search for ways we may be wrong, to deliberately look at things from another perspective and find the error in ours. We need to see our capacity for self-deception. We are sinners, broken in every way, and when we grasp this truth, we begin to see that others may be right and we may be wrong."
“This is not a call to retreat from thinking. Let’s celebrate our capacity to think by studying, reading, reasoning, and engaging in rich and lively dialogue with others. But let’s remember that our reasoning is part of our sinful state and thus vulnerable to error. We need each other to help us think better than we might alone, and we need enough humility to admit our need for others. And if we are humble enough-or if we become humble enough through the tragedies of life-our reasoning will help lead us down the dusty path and into the arms of the One who granted us this great gift in the first place.”
1 comment:
Welcome home Cam!!!!
I missed you! :~)
see ya on tuesday :~)
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