Monday, October 23, 2006

Christ the Sun

Yesterday I was reading in my Martin Luther devotional “Faith Alone” and for some reason or another I opened it up to October 6. I once asked a Christian friend of mine “What is the gospel?” and he said that he didn’t think it could be stated that specifically. Upon reading this, I thought to myself “yes it can; and that’s it”.

I want to say that, sadly, I found Luther’s terminology to be rather blunt; almost taking me back a little (how inexcusably sheltered I am from the severity of the law!). In fact, that’s actually one of the things that I love about Luther’s writings: he doesn’t sugar-coat the death blow. Luther unleashes the law to mercilessly slaughter all boasting and brutally strip all haughtiness in order for the gospel to heal and console; then, and only then, can the gospel truly be the “good news”.


“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: ‘Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.’” Galatians 3:13

The gospel – the most loved and comforting doctrine of all – doesn’t focus on our works or the works of the law. Rather, it shows us the incomprehensible, inexpressible mercy and love of God toward us, who are unworthy and lost people. The merciful Father saw that we were oppressed by the curse of the law and held under it. On our own and through our own efforts, we never could have freed ourselves. He sent his only Son into the world. He put all the sin of all the people on his Son and said, “You will be Peter, who denied me; Paul, who persecuted, blasphemed, and acted violently; David, who committed adultery; the sinner who ate the apple in Paradise; the thief on the cross. In summary, you will be the one who committed all the sins of all the people. Make sure you pay for these sins and make atonement for them.”

At this point the law said, “I find Christ to be a sinner – the one who has taken the sins of all the people upon himself. I do not see sin on anyone else except him. Therefore, he must die on the cross.” Then the law grabbed him and killed him.

Since this happened, the entire world has been cleansed and atoned of all sin and freed from death and all evil. If everyone in the whole world believed, God would see only purity and righteousness. This is because Christ would have taken away all sin and death. And even if there were any remnants of sin remaining, God wouldn’t see them because of the brightness of Christ, the Sun.

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