Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Semester Ends

After completing my class final, I spent the morning twirling around my JC campus.

As I stopped under a purple flowered tree, I had the sensation that I was watching my life through a Tarkovsky film.
Flowers were falling all around me.
I felt as though the world had stopped moving all together.
I could hear the sound of construction work a few streets away.
I may have even sensed, though I can't be sure, a very subtle rain.
Perhaps a zone?
(I was waiting to hear Ode to Joy but it never came...)

Three things I've discovered:
  • A day is always better when it begins outside with a cup of coffee.
  • There is just something right about having purple flowers fall on your head.
  • I really need to read Chesterton more often.

...or maybe things just look a lot better when your final is over...

1 comment:

Nick said...

Hurrah for the semester being over!! I liked the post and the picture! :)