Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Game of Tag

I was tagged by Nick and so apparently I'm supposed to list seven facts about myself, then tag someone else to follow suit.

Here it goes:

~I acquired a preference for tomatoes by covering them with sugar, and for watermelon by covering it with chocolate (I've learned that any food can be sanctified if it is baptized in chocolate).

~I was unable to speak until I was nearly two years old; a common occurrence among geniuses.

~I resent going to sleep, therefore I do so as little as possible.

~When I grow up, I want to smoke a real pipe in a real pub with a really good book (probably T.S. Eliot!)

~My favorite weather is when it rains or when the sky feels tall.

~I love the color green, and I almost don't hate the color pink anymore.

~One of my worst bugbears is when people use words with connotations that I don't understand.

So now that the ball is in "my court" to tag more bloggers, I would tag someone else but the last tagger tagged all of my posting blog readers (some blog stockers may exist...or at least I hold out the hope :~p) So I'm thinking up a tag-back policy where I can send a nuisance back down the chain. :~)

In the meantime, I tag mle!

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