Monday, May 22, 2006

Afterthoughts of a home half-remembered…

This is a little street in Oxford; it had such character, as if just by being there it knew more than I could hope to ever learn about that magical place.

View of the ocean and the city of Edinburgh, Scotland from part way up the hill at the end of the Royal Mile. It was fascinating to wait, and watch how quickly the shadow of the clouds moved across the open field and across the city.

This was one of the many times that we experienced this enchanted image- that of the moon through bare branches; something that Sheldon Vanauken described, along with countless other images, as the "pain of beauty".

This is the field we had the privilege of seeing twice, whereas our original plan was not to see it at all. Going the wrong direction can certainly have its share of perks.
It was here that we decided that this grass was in fact delighted to be green. There was such gaiety about the little field, as if it never grew tired of laughing at itself and others (some who happened to be lost); as if each moment it was reinvented and couldn't escape the simple humor of being exactly as it is.


Dalynn said...

All I have to say is WOW!!!Those pictures are so beautiful!!!

And I especially liked the 2nd one where you could see the ocean!!!

Camlost said...

Des- Thanks! I agree, there's no doubt that we have beautiful views here, but I haven't found anything like that of England.

P.H.- I hear you, maybe we could get adjoining cells! :~p Although… I like what G.K Chesterton says: poets don't go mad, logicians do!
I think a little enchanted insanity is healthy, maybe even sane! :~)

Day- That was an amazing view; it got chilly and REALLY windy once we got to the top which only added to the experience!