Sunday, June 10, 2007

a new place I'd like to go...

The Black Sea


mr. hullabaloo said...

You know, I've thought and thought, and I still fail to see the connection. The "Ciompi" Connection, that is.
So I have to to ask, why disgruntled, Italian wool carders?

Camlost said...

A good question and I feel it a great compliment that you don't see a connection. :)

Dr. John Mark Reynolds uses the social status of the Italian "Medici", the educated and influential leaders, and the uneducated laymen known as the "Ciompi" to metaphorically illustrate to his young high school students their, how should we say it, “humble educational origin.” It seems that his method is based on the belief that one can only grow as a person if they have the humility to change; willing to release the old and embrace the new. With the dumbing down of our culture, most of those we consider “educated” are still only followers who have been placated with the title of “Dr.” or the like without actually being changed by what they’ve learned. It is used as an encouragement to be adept and influential rather than this form of “educated.”

Musings of a Ciompi is a blog for the thoughts of an uneducated person.

Hope that helps?

mr. hullabaloo said...

Yes, it does actually. That certainly makes more sense than what I originally rummaged. Thank you for the clarification.