Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Good Morning?

This morning I awoke to the sound of Satan screaming at me some repetitive, unintelligible phrase in, I think it was Morse code, but in disgustingly predictable intervals ...or maybe it was just my alarm clock!

With this particular type of arrival to consciousness, the most important element of the morning is-

Then, my first student of the day decided to show up 8 minutes early (I thought first students just inherently knew not to do that!). This meant that my student arrived before my coffee had finished its necessary perking
-It was a rather dangerous situation.
Thankfully, her first piece was a rather long one which gave me the chance to "listen from the kitchen" while I finished doctoring up my necessity. All in all, there was no harm done but I'm not sure if I really woke up until the second piece.

I began thinking that perhaps the problem is not the alarm clock, the early student, or the lack of caffeination...
Could the problem be going to sleep at 3:30 AM? ... nah!

At the end of the day~ a little Boethius cures a lot!


Unknown said...

no theres nothing wrong with going to bed at 3 :00,most nights i don't go to sleep till 2:00 or 2:30

Camlost said...

I don't know, these days I'm really starting to feel it. Maybe a full time class schedule will turn me diurnal this fall.